#Repost @reneesiljeg (@get_repost)
R E A C H …
#Repost @reneesiljeg (@get_repost)
R E A C H I N G • o v e r ✖️ the mid-week hump like.. We’re entering into the busiest time of the year- these weeks are flying by far too quickly!! Making and sticking to a plan has never been a strong suit of mine, but I’m starting to realise the necessity of it. Otherwise, time goes, things slip, and we end up doing what’s easy rather than what’s right.
Heading into the festive season, do you have a plan for your well-being?
Have you set time aside to exercise? Are there restaurants you’ll avoid or drinks you’ll limit? Is there a certain amount of sleep you’ll promise yourself?
Set the guidelines now and live by them. *note to self ?
